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Pool decking | Hardwood Discount UK

We already had a swimming pool in our backyard, but it was surrounded by tiles. We were looking for a surface that had a more luxurious look and was also practical. After a search on the Internet, we decided to go for the hardwood decking of Hardwood Discount. We spoke to the customer service by phone and they gave us excellent advice about the possibilities.

We have received a number of wood samples and have made the choice for an Ipe decking. The decking was delivered quickly and we could start laying it. In total, we made approximately 50 m2 of decking, which took two people a whole week to complete. We think it turned out beautifully! Ooh yes, on the photo we have oiled a part, later everything, we thought this was a good photo to show the colour difference!

Tags for this product: Decking

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Our products used

IPE decking 2.1 x 14.0 cm

 Deck fastening  
Wood click system  
Long lengths  
Length: 1.80 m1
Free: Screws + Clips